Monday, February 27, 2012

WODs 02/27/2012

So, I took the entire last week off from any form of exercise. It began accidentally, but became purposeful. Exercise only breaks down the body, rest and recovery builds it up. And I just got to the point where I felt broken down all the time. The optimal health we work towards can only be a result of managing stress. This means not only the mental anxiety we commonly call stress, but the bad diet, lack of sleep, illness, and damage to the physical body (through exercise too). I'd be lying if I said that I am now feeling fully recovered and ready to go back at it, but my body is beginning to reverse some improvements I've made. So, on to the new week:

This week is no abs. Enjoy it. We will renew our efforts twice as hard next week.

We need to schedule group workout so I can introduce new movements like double unders, suitcase deadlifts, and box jumps. I even have ropes  and boxes to loan to you. Our current stable of movements is growing stale.

Day 1
Prior to the WOD, do 3 sets of  8 Crossfit pushups
15 min AMRAP
15 Clean and jerk
30 squat with weight (either goblet hold or rack hold)

Prior to the WOD, do 3 sets of  8 Crossfit pushups
15 min AMRAP
10 Clean and jerk
20 squat with weight (either goblet hold or rack hold)

Prior to the WOD, do 3 sets of  8 Crossfit pushups
10 min AMRAP
10 Clean and jerk
20 squat with weight (either goblet hold or rack hold)

Day 2
Firebreather / Smokeeater / Rookie
Set a timer, do no more than 4 minutes of snatch skill work (LOW INTENSITY)
10 rounds for time:
 25 swings (any variation)
16 reverse lunges (step back instead of forward)

Day 3
21, 15, 9, 6 of
Squat with weight
Clean and jerk

21, 15, 9, 6 of
Squat with weight

18, 12, 8, 4 of

Day 4
Firebreather / Smokeeater / Rookie
Set a timer, do no more than 4 minutes of snatch skill work (LOW INTENSITY)
10 rounds for time:
 25 swings (any variation)
16 reverse lunges (step back instead of forward)

Day 5
Firebreather / Smokeeater
Prior to the WOD, do 3 sets of  8 Crossfit pushups
Then Death by... thruster
Every minute do thrusters. Start with 2 each hand. Next minute, add two more each hand, and so on until you fill your minute.

Prior to the WOD, do 3 sets of  8 Crossfit pushups
Then Death by... thruster
Every minute do thrusters. Start with 4 each hand. Next minute, add four more each hand, and so on until you fill your minute.

Monday, February 20, 2012

WODs 02/20/2012

If kettelbell work feels like jazzercise with ugly gray weights, bell-up. You need to do each movement with the most weight you can safely handle. 
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me which WOD and what level you have done, your weight(s) used and time (if part of the program).
  • You'll notice that there are either three workouts, each differing in intensity, or suggestions for changing the WOD to suit your needs. Pick what works for you, striving for the most difficult.
  • Movement quality over speed or quantity. Movements done poorly cause injuries. 
  • No weak wrists
  • You've been at this long enough now to start watching for inflexible joints and unusual pain with movement. A lot of this can be fixed if addressed early-let me know.

Planks for abs. 3 days this week I want you to perform this for as long as you can, three times, with the goal of being able to complete a 2 minute hold.

WOD # 1 

Firebreather, Smoke Eater, and Rookie
In 12 minutes do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:
5 Jumping squats
10 Swings

WOD #2

300 swings

Smoke Eater
200 1H swings

200 2H swings

WOD #3

16 steps walking lunge
Run back to start
5 burpees

Smoke Eater
16 steps walking lunge
Run back to start
3 burpees

10 steps walking lunge
Run back to start
2 burpees

WOD #4

200 1H swings
50 burpees

Smoke Eater 

300 swings

200 2H swings

WOD #5

Do 7 rounds of the following for time (RFT)
7 swings
7 lunges each leg
7 swings
3 burpees

Smoke Eater
Do 7 rounds of the following for time (RFT)
5 swings
5 lunges each leg
5 swings
2 burpees

Do 7 rounds of the following for time (RFT)
3 swings
3 lunges each leg
3 swings
2 burpees

Sunday, February 12, 2012

WODs 02/12/2012

If kettelbell work feels like jazzercise with ugly gray weights, bell-up. You need to do each movement with the most weight you can safely handle. You'll need to consider purchasing the next bigger kettlebell, they usually increase by 4kg. If blazing through 25 c&j with a 12kg barely causes you to break your concentration on the song you're listening to or the episode of Wendy Williams you're watching, you are doing it wrong. Weight up to the 16kg or even a 20kg. Pick a weight that you probably will not be able to complete all rounds unbroken. You should be so focused on moving the weight properly that all else in life is drowned out for the extent of the WOD. 
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me which WOD and what level you have done, your weight(s) used and time (if part of the program).
  • You'll notice that there are either three workouts, each differing in intensity, or suggestions for changing the WOD to suit your needs. Pick what works for you, striving for the most difficult.
  • Movement quality over speed or quantity. Movements done poorly cause injuries. 
  • For each new movement in the WOD, I have linked to a video on the movement. Watch them. Any questions, ask. We can always train the movements 1-1.
  • No weak wrists
  • You've been at this long enough now to start watching for inflexible joints and unusual pain with movement. A lot of this can be fixed if addressed early-let me know.

Straight leg hold for abs. On your back with hands flat under butt or flat on ground next to butt, raise your nearly straight legs roughly 6-12 inches and hold. Focus on neutral spinal alignment and belly button pulled in to spine. 3 days this week I want you to perform this for as long as you can, three times, with the goal of being able to complete a 2 minute hold. Don't worry, we'll revisit plank (iso-abdominal hold)

WOD # 1 (Benchmark WOD. We will see this one again to gauge progress)

Four rounds for time (RFT):
25 1H swings each hand
25 goblet squats

Smoke Eater

Ten rounds for time (RFT):
10 1H swings each hand
10 goblet squats


Four rounds for time (RFT):

25 1H swings each hand
25 air squats

WOD #2

300 swings

Smoke Eater
200 1H swings

200 2H swings

WOD #3

Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
1 minute 1H swing
1 minute forward lunges
1 minute clean
1 minute press
1 minute air squat

Smoke Eater

Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
1 minute 1H swing
1 minute forward lunges
1 minute clean
1 minute press
1 minute fig 8 to hold


Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
30 sec work, 30 sec rest 1H swing
30 sec work, 30 sec rest forward lunges
30 sec work, 30 sec rest clean
30 sec work, 30 sec rest press
30 sec work, 30 sec rest air squat

WOD #4

Firebreather (broken up however you want)
300 swings
50 burpees

Smoke Eater (broken up however you want)
200 1H swings
50 burpees

Rookie (broken up however you want)
200 2H swings
25 burpees

WOD #5

5 RFT:
30 mountain climbers
20 clean and jerk
10 snatch (if you don't know the movement, swings instead)

Smoke Eater
5 RFT:
20 mountain climbers
20 clean and jerks

6 RFT:

10 mountain climbers
10 clean and jerks

Saturday, February 4, 2012

WODs 02/05/12

New format starting this week. I've begun scaling the WOD for different abilities. You'll notice that there are either three workouts, each differing in intensity, or suggestions for changing the WOD to suit your needs. Pick what works for you, striving for the most difficult. 
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me which WOD and what level you have done, your weight(s) used and time (if part of the program).
  • Movement quality over speed or quantity. Movements done poorly cause injuries. 
  • For each new movement in the WOD, I have linked to a video on the movement. Watch them. Any questions, ask. We can always train the movements 1-1.
  • No weak wrists
  • You've been at this long enough now to start watching for inflexible joints and unusual pain with movement. A lot of this can be fixed if addressed early-let me know.
Planks for ABS We're also going to work on something new. 3 days this week I want you to perform the plank for as long as you can, three times, with the goal of being able to complete a 2 minute hold.


For time:
100 clean and press
100 squats

Smoke Eater
For time:
50 clean and press
50 air squat

For time: 2 rounds of:

20 clean and press
20 air squat

WOD #2
300 swings

Smoke Eater
200 1H swings

200 2H swings

WOD #3
8 RFT:
20 1H swing 
10 forward lunges

Smoke Eater
Same as Firebreather, just lighter KB

5 RFT instead of 8 and light weight KB

WOD #4

300 swings

Smoke Eater
200 1H swings

200 2H swings

WOD #5

5 RFT:
5 Thrusters each hand
10 Crossfit burpees (With full pushup)
15 swings

Smoke Eater

5 RFT:
5 Thrusters each hand
10 burpees or squat thrust (different name, same movement -no pushup)
15 swings


3 RFT:
2 Thrusters each hand
burpees or squat thrust (different name, same movement -no pushup)
9 swings

Saturday, January 28, 2012

WODs 01/29/2012

  • If you're a firebreather, double the squats and/or swings.
  • If swings seem easy or boring, go up in weight. To really get the most out of them, the weight should be such that you can only do 12-15 at a time. 
  • Non-squatters can leave the squats out of the WOD and reduce the time by 2 minutes. You're not off the hook though; I want you to do 4 solid minutes of squat form work before the WOD each day. This does not mean max reps in 4 minutes, this means a few quality squat movements each minute. The 4 minutes is just a time frame
  • Squats are critically important, as they are a foundational movement that other movements will build upon. Also they heal knee joints if done correctly. Of primary importance, however, is that squats are the type of compound muscle exercise that will burn fat and cause the hormonal response that will help you reach your goals.
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me your WOD times.
  • For each new movement in the WOD, I have linked to a video on the movement. Watch them.
  • No weak wrists

WOD #1
200 1H swings

WOD #2
Death by...
With a continuously running clock, perform on the minute:
1 forward lunge each leg
3 2H swings
1 round first minute, 2 rounds second minute, 3 rounds third minute... until you fill the minute. Rest 3 minutes, then repeat.

WOD #3
7 RFT (rounds for time)
7 bent over rows each hand
7 clean and press each hand
7 1H swings each hand

WOD #4

60 thrusters (30 each hand)

WOD #5
300 swings

Saturday, January 21, 2012

WODs 1/22/2012

A couple of key points:

  • If you're a firebreather, double the squats and/or swings
  • Non-squatters can leave the squats out of the WOD and reduce the time by 2 minutes. You're not off the hook though; I want you to do 4 solid minutes of squat form work before the WOD each day. This does not mean max reps in 4 minutes, this means a few quality squat movements each minute. The 4 minutes is just a time frame
  • Squats are critically important, as they are a foundational movement that other movements will build upon. Also they heal knee joints if done correctly. Of primary importance, however, is that squats are the type of compound muscle exercise that will burn fat and cause the hormonal response that will help you reach your goals.
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me your WOD times.
  • For each movement in the WOD, I have linked to a video on the movement. Watch them.
  • No weak wrists

WOD #1
250 swings

WOD #2
15 minutes AMRAP
6 press each hand
6 halo each direction
15 swings

WOD #3
12 minutes, AMRAP (as many rounds as possible):
10 squats
10 figure 8 to hold each hand
12 cleans

WOD #4
For 15 minutes, with a continuously running timer, each minute on the minute:
3 bent-over rows each hand
3 squats
3 halo

WOD #5
250 swings