Sunday, February 12, 2012

WODs 02/12/2012

If kettelbell work feels like jazzercise with ugly gray weights, bell-up. You need to do each movement with the most weight you can safely handle. You'll need to consider purchasing the next bigger kettlebell, they usually increase by 4kg. If blazing through 25 c&j with a 12kg barely causes you to break your concentration on the song you're listening to or the episode of Wendy Williams you're watching, you are doing it wrong. Weight up to the 16kg or even a 20kg. Pick a weight that you probably will not be able to complete all rounds unbroken. You should be so focused on moving the weight properly that all else in life is drowned out for the extent of the WOD. 
  • EVERY DAY, I need you to text me which WOD and what level you have done, your weight(s) used and time (if part of the program).
  • You'll notice that there are either three workouts, each differing in intensity, or suggestions for changing the WOD to suit your needs. Pick what works for you, striving for the most difficult.
  • Movement quality over speed or quantity. Movements done poorly cause injuries. 
  • For each new movement in the WOD, I have linked to a video on the movement. Watch them. Any questions, ask. We can always train the movements 1-1.
  • No weak wrists
  • You've been at this long enough now to start watching for inflexible joints and unusual pain with movement. A lot of this can be fixed if addressed early-let me know.

Straight leg hold for abs. On your back with hands flat under butt or flat on ground next to butt, raise your nearly straight legs roughly 6-12 inches and hold. Focus on neutral spinal alignment and belly button pulled in to spine. 3 days this week I want you to perform this for as long as you can, three times, with the goal of being able to complete a 2 minute hold. Don't worry, we'll revisit plank (iso-abdominal hold)

WOD # 1 (Benchmark WOD. We will see this one again to gauge progress)

Four rounds for time (RFT):
25 1H swings each hand
25 goblet squats

Smoke Eater

Ten rounds for time (RFT):
10 1H swings each hand
10 goblet squats


Four rounds for time (RFT):

25 1H swings each hand
25 air squats

WOD #2

300 swings

Smoke Eater
200 1H swings

200 2H swings

WOD #3

Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
1 minute 1H swing
1 minute forward lunges
1 minute clean
1 minute press
1 minute air squat

Smoke Eater

Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
1 minute 1H swing
1 minute forward lunges
1 minute clean
1 minute press
1 minute fig 8 to hold


Fight Gone Bad (Like UFC: 3 rounds of 5 minutes, 2 min rest between rounds)
30 sec work, 30 sec rest 1H swing
30 sec work, 30 sec rest forward lunges
30 sec work, 30 sec rest clean
30 sec work, 30 sec rest press
30 sec work, 30 sec rest air squat

WOD #4

Firebreather (broken up however you want)
300 swings
50 burpees

Smoke Eater (broken up however you want)
200 1H swings
50 burpees

Rookie (broken up however you want)
200 2H swings
25 burpees

WOD #5

5 RFT:
30 mountain climbers
20 clean and jerk
10 snatch (if you don't know the movement, swings instead)

Smoke Eater
5 RFT:
20 mountain climbers
20 clean and jerks

6 RFT:

10 mountain climbers
10 clean and jerks

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