Sunday, December 18, 2011

WODs for Week of Dec 19th

Do the WODs in any order you like, just remember to lightly warmup and stretch

WOD 1:
In 12 minutes do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:
5 Jumping squats
10 Swings

WOD 2:
Do 7 rounds of the following for time (RFT)
7 swings
7 lunges each leg
7 swings
3 burpees

WOD 3:
100 swings (break them into as many sets as necessary)

WOD 4:
16 steps walking lunge
Run back to start
5 burpees

Saturday, December 10, 2011

WODs for Week of Dec 12th

Now that your swings are well practiced (I know, over a week longer than I planned too), here are four WODs for this week. I want you to do them with one day off between, except on four-day. Day one is off, day two is WOD, day three is WOD, day four is WOD.

So, for example, my week would  look like this:
Monday:          Work-off, WOD-on
Tuesday:          Work-off, WOD-on
Wednesday:     Work-off, WOD-off
Thursday:         Work-on, WOD-on
Friday:             Work-off, WOD-off
Saturday:         Work-on, WOD-on
Sunday:           Work-off, WOD-off

Do the WODs in any order you like, just remember to lightly warmup and stretch

WOD 1:
In 12 minutes do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) of:
5 pushups
10 swings
5 squats

WOD 2:
Do 7 rounds of the following for time (RFT)
7 swings
7 lunges each leg
7 swings
3 burpees

WOD 3:
100 swings (break them into as many sets as possible)

WOD 4:
10 rounds of:
5 Jumping squats
10 Swings